Friday, July 13, 2007

Still standing

Ok, I'm entering a new world, blogging. For any of you who know me I have trouble getting to my email, so here we go.
This has been an amazing week and its hard to believe its coming to an end today. It has been a great honor for me to be with our students and all of your awesome amazing sons and daughters. Its been guite a sight to sit in a room with over 700 teenagers who are all learning and loving God. I must admit the first night when we walked on saddleback campus, after I picked my chin off the ground, Its an amazing little city, i thought I must be nuts. We could hear the base pounding out in the dparking lot. I just got out the Advil and took some before I went. Its hard to hear yourself think let alone speak, you know when the base is so luod your heart jumps out of your skin. Yet as the night went on I was awed and inspired to see so many teenagers there jumping and singing their love songs to Jesus. I have been blessed and excited for our students and for my self. Its been great to see God alive and well in so many of our youth. They live in time when life comes at them fast and hard. We have all been challenged in the mist of it to slow down and be still. A good reminder to all of us!
I know the students have been blogging all week about the talks(that in itself is amazing to me) Technology is amazing. I mean the other day the Matt and Becky called their mom(hello Mary) on their computer and we could see her and she could see us. They gave her a tour of the campus. And yet they talked about how it is one more thing that can distract us from being still. Ok, Its time to go, our last session begins in a couple of minutes and I know someone will want to blog during the session. Again Thank-you for the opportunity to be with your awesome Kids!


Purnellovitch said...

Wife of Purnellovitch (Purnellova??)here--Thanks, Rita, for being there with our kids this week! Old age, advil, and all: you rock! I don't know whether you'll get this, but thanks for keeping us posted. Have a safe, uneventful trip home. Try to keep Becky out of the sun and Hannah off the beach, and maybe limit the amount of caffeine Grace takes in :)

Purnellovitch said...

Oh, and you too, Abram. Thanks for everything!

bptzdbyfyre said...

Mega dittos from me. Thank you so much, Rita. As Clark Lindgren says, when you're (we're) somewhere between hip and hip replacement it's hard to know how to fit in at times . . . But Rita you do a really great job.

Abram you are the best. Thank you for being willing to put honey and popcorn on your face for laughs. I don't think I could do it.

The Upper Room said...

Maybe my father should bite his tongue when it comes to limiting my caffeine intake when I happen to know for a fact that you take in much more caffeine on a daily basis then I do in a week!

Love you daddy,
