Wednesday, July 11, 2007

words from a wise student leader, part 2

good morning all. today started off rather early for me, so i decided to write an entry. almost everyone else is asleep at the moment, except abram, i just saw him walk into the hotel lobby after his run, although he didnt look too sweaty(hmm?). o fitz is up now too, none of the girls seem to be awake. but i cant say for sure.

so the recap of what we did last night. we finished the session (you can read the recap with mi hermana's blog) and waited in the parking lot for a while to decided what to do. finally we decided to go back to the hotel and do stuff there. most of the group decided to go for a swim. it began with just ian an i, and then went to just about everyone. Ian, Matthew H., Stephen, and I all tried to see how much water we could get out of the pool by jumping in and doing cannonballs. i am sure the hotel appreciated it. we then decided to make a whirlpool in the pool and everyone participated, it worked rather well. i still cant hear out of my left ear. After a little while of this, Rita, Pirrochi, and I drove to the store. I dont know(and particularly do not care) what the rest of the group did while we were there.

the store was an adventure because the first one we went to closed at 9 due to a power outage(the lights were still on, so i was very confused). We then went and got directions to another one, and everything worked out. after this we preceded to go to our rooms(after a little bit of hanging out) and do whatever.

so thats the basic recap, there is a lot there, but yeah. ill try to make it less for the next one.

the peoples champion

by the way(btw) the commercial i was referring to in the earlier entry was about this mother and daughter who were holding hands and every time they went behind an object the daughter would be getting older and she was letting her go. at the end the little girl was a mother herself and holder her daughters hand, with the original mother coming up and holding her hand again. it was a pretty cute commercial i guess.


bptzdbyfyre said...

thanks Champ . . . this entry was muy divertido (I as laughing). Everyone should pool bomb every day. I think the water will drain back in the pool . . .(if not, bad pool design.) Say hi to my boy scout for me. I have to go talk to the headmaster of AFA. My heart is pounding (scared . . .) Praying for all of you all day. Hi Scout!!!!

The Upper Room said...

Matt--I ran 3 miles this morning, for the record. I probably wasn't sweating much because I did a 10 minute walk to cool down...