Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 2, session 2 [Fellowship]

by doug

Messages behind the movie-
--God uses other people to impact your faith
--We grow best in an environment of trust and acceptance
--Find, be a part, get connected to a small group
--Cared, invested, made you feel special
--Not a one-way relationship
--Love one another, care about one another
--Do life together
--Mentor and best friend
--Romans 12:10--Be dovoted to one another
--Less people, more invidividual attention
--Encourage one another
--It never stops with you.

Fellowship is a deep word, and an abused word. We have reduced the meaning of the word.
--We work better together
--Know my strengths and weaknesses
--Show when I'm headed in the wrong directon, with love
--Help them grow in Christ
--Make sure no one can hide. Everyone should be known.

Fellowship is deeper than food and frisbee.

We are now going to continue to do some more worship...[my favorite part], and then we will go eat. Hopefully something good. Hopefully something other than In-n-Out Burger. Which, we have had twice already even though we've only been here one day. :(



bptzdbyfyre said...

"Fellowship is deeper than food and frisbee." Good quote. Thanks for the update Hannah.

bptzdbyfyre said...

Does Lissa have a book with her for 12th grade AP English called the poisonwood bible? I can't find it and I just paid for it (for her for next year) and I was going to read it but it seems to be lost.