Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The talk "Be"

Becky's out line of the talk (With some commentary)

Ephesians 3:19b

"You will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God."

Tonights talk by Doug Fields starts with a congrats to all the student leaders in the conference for making it here, not just physically making it, but because we were meant to be here, someone believed in us as a leader or a potential leader.

"Leaders are Learners, so take notes." -Doug F.

*"Leaders can't lead effectively when they're spiritually empty"

*"I have a soul that needs to be filled"
~When our soul is empty, do we know how to fill it? What do you do?
Soul: the invisible, internal part of you, the real you, that defines you and connects with God.

Matt 16:26 "And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process?"

*we are spiritual beings having a temporary physical expierence.
-stop comparing yourself to the person next to you, who you think are super spiritual, just be you when it comes to refueling and being a leader.

#i don't like Doug's new look, i liked the gotee from last year#

Daily leaders need to...

1. Stop. for your soul to be filled up you gotta stop, leaders struggle with stopping (Don't think i'll have a problem with that one..the problem will be to get going again i think..Mom i'm sure you can vouch for that one =])
refers to Luke 10:38 (Martha worries, Mary sits at Jesus's feet) "dear martha you are so upset over all these details, there's only one thing you should be worried about and mary has that and i won't take that away from her"
Martha was doing, Mary was being.

2. Be quiet. (UHOH...i may have a problem with this one) 'silence is an essential ingredient to spiritual growth.'
God isn't going to fight over the tv--refers to 1 kings 19:11 "still small voice"

3. Make a connection. Make an inner connection with God, i.e. pray, journaling, reading His word.
A) When? when are you going to make it? Morning? Night?
B) Where? where will you go to be quiet?
C) What? what do you do to make that connection? Bible? Pray?


Anonymous said...

This is really great - keep the posts coming. And post pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this blog! It lets those of us "left behind" (!) get a glimpse of your trip!

Unknown said...

Hi Becky and Matt and everyone,

Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you all!!

-Mary Ailes

Anonymous said...

What an amazing thing, to be able to "hear" immediately what impresses you. Maybe I'll quit reading the Stand Firm blog for a bit and hang out with you folks.

Praying for you all.

God Bless,
Megan Walnut

bptzdbyfyre said...

Thanks again Becky. What, is he beardless now?

Anonymous said...

Hi matt P. wherever you are I hope you haven't lost any of that "awesomenes"your always bragging about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!